Thursday 31 August 2017

Harvey is a 1,000-year flood event unprecedented in scale - The Washington Post

Harvey is a 1,000-year flood event unprecedented in scale - The Washington Post

As Harvey’s rains unfolded, the intensity and scope of the disaster were so enormous that weather forecasters, first responders, the victims, everyone really, couldn’t believe their eyes

Harvey crashes into Texas and Louisiana, bringing new waves of punishing rain and emergency conditions - The Washington Post

Harvey crashes into Texas and Louisiana, bringing new waves of punishing rain and emergency conditions - The Washington Post

HOUSTON — The storm once known as Hurricane Harvey made its second landfall Wednesday, dumping record rains and spurring additional flooding in small Texas cities that lie east of now-devastated Houston.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Monday 28 August 2017

North Korean missile flies over Japan, escalating tensions and prompting an angry response from Tokyo  - The Washington Post

North Korean missile flies over Japan, escalating tensions and prompting an angry response from Tokyo  - The Washington Post

North Korea launched three ballistic missiles Tuesday morning and at least one of them flew over the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, public broadcaster NHK reported. The government issued an alert for residents in some prefectures to take cover.


Russia’s new ambassador to US meets counterpart in Moscow — RT News

Russia’s new ambassador to US meets counterpart in Moscow — RT News

Russia’s new Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov has met his American counterpart in Moscow, John Tefft, to discuss “the current state of bilateral relations and certain international issues,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

PressTV-Trump administration seeking cooked intel on Iran?

PressTV-Trump administration seeking cooked intel on Iran?

The administration of US President Donald Trump is pressuring intelligence officials in the United States to produce intelligence that could be used to declare Iran in violation of a nuclear deal the president despises, reports say.

Saturday 26 August 2017

PressTV-Trump setting records for low job approval

PressTV-Trump setting records for low job approval

US President Donald Trump is setting records for low presidential approval records with his dismally low approval ratings, including the lowest mark ever for a president in his first year in office.

PressTV-UAE reacts angrily to Qatar's restoration of Iran ties

PressTV-UAE reacts angrily to Qatar's restoration of Iran ties

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has denounced Qatar’s recent decision to restore full diplomatic ties with Iran, accusing Doha of undermining chances to resolve a rift between several Arab countries of the Persian Gulf and Qatar.

Twitter goes wild over reported death penalty for 'atheism' in Saudi Arabia — RT News

Twitter goes wild over reported death penalty for 'atheism' in Saudi Arabia — RT News

Saudi Arabia has reportedly sentenced a young man to death for apostasy. The news has stirred up Twitter users, with some expressing sadness and sorrow, while others praised the move.

Saudi police probe viral video of woman driving (VIDEO) — RT Viral

Saudi police probe viral video of woman driving (VIDEO) — RT Viral

Police in Saudi Arabia have launched an investigation into an online video that appears to show a woman driving a car while disguised as a man. The only country in the world where women can't drive and the UN put them in charge of women right!

Largest-ever asteroid is about to fly by Earth

Largest-ever asteroid is about to fly by Earth

Near-Earth objects make passes by our planet on a fairly regular basis, but the space rock that’s going to cruise by on September 1st is a real goliath.

9 paid iPhone apps on sale for free right now – BGR

9 paid iPhone apps on sale for free right now – BGR

Whether you’re looking to turn your iPhone into a keypad for your Mac or a dashboard for your car, we’ve got you covered with today’s selection of paid apps gone free. There are some other games and productivity apps to go along with those, but if you don’t see anything you like, you can still check out yesterday’s post to see if anything from Wednesday is still free.

Friday 25 August 2017

PressTV-US airlifts Daesh members in east Syria: Monitor

PressTV-US airlifts Daesh members in east Syria: Monitor

The US has airlifted a number of Daesh Takfiri terrorists near the eastern Syrian city of Dayr al-Zawr, where Syrian troops are closing in on the Takfiri terrorists, the so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

PressTV-Tillerson: US won’t win in Afghanistan

PressTV-Tillerson: US won’t win in Afghanistan

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has undermined President Donald Trump’s promise to win the Afghan war and defeating the Taliban, saying Washington might not succeed in the war.

Monday 21 August 2017

Thursday 17 August 2017

Most countries, including US allies, trust Putin more than Trump on foreign policy – poll — RT News

Most countries, including US allies, trust Putin more than Trump on foreign policy – poll — RT News

US allies Germany, France, Japan, and South Korea are among countries which trust Vladimir Putin more than Donald Trump in handling foreign affairs, a new Pew poll shows.
“In many countries he [Putin] is more trusted than American President Donald Trump,” according to a statement from the Pew Research Center on Wednesday. 
At least 36 countries from across the world took part in the survey.

PressTV-Protesters hold vigil for Charlottesville victims

PressTV-Protesters hold vigil for Charlottesville victims

Hundreds of people in Charlottesville, Virginia have staged a candlelight vigil in memory of a young woman who was killed after being run over by a driver linked to white supremacist groups, amid worldwide outrage over President Donald Trump’s refusal to condemn the perpetrators of the violence.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

PressTV-‘Israeli rabbis involved in selling babies’

PressTV-‘Israeli rabbis involved in selling babies’

A recent report has revealed that a network of Israeli rabbis has been actively involved in the underground baby trafficking trade and smuggling pregnant women from the occupied territories to the United States to sell their newborn babies there.

PressTV-US cities step up removal of Confederate statues

PressTV-US cities step up removal of Confederate statues

Officials in states and cities across the United States said they would step up efforts to pull Confederate monuments from public spaces, despite the violence over the planned removal of such a statue in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Older hearts could be rejuvenated with stem cells from younger ones – study — RT News

Older hearts could be rejuvenated with stem cells from younger ones – study — RT News

Older hearts may soon be able to be rejuvenated with stem cell injections from younger hearts, according to a new study which successfully reversed signs of cardiac aging in elderly rats.

Monday 14 August 2017

PressTV-Half million Yemenis infected with cholera: WHO

PressTV-Half million Yemenis infected with cholera: WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) says more than 500,000 people have been affected by cholera in war-torn Yemen since the epidemic broke out in late April, as the waterborne disease has killed nearly 2,000 others in the impoverished nation during the past four months. 

Saturday 12 August 2017

PressTV-Trump declares drug crisis 'national emergency'

PressTV-Trump declares drug crisis 'national emergency'

US President Donald Trump has declared the country’s opioid drugs epidemic a “national emergency,” a designation that would offer states more federal resources and power to combat the crisis.

PressTV-Trump outbursts wipe $1 trillion off markets

PressTV-Trump outbursts wipe $1 trillion off markets

US President Donald Trump’s brinkmanship in the escalating tensions with North Korea has taken a heavy toll on global markets, wiping $1 trillion off the value of shares worldwide.

Friday 11 August 2017

PressTV-‘Israel promoting extremism in occupied lands’

PressTV-‘Israel promoting extremism in occupied lands’

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned the running over of four Palestinian children by an Israeli settler, stating that the incident clearly indicates that the Tel Aviv regime is fanning the flames of radicalism and violence in occupied territories.

Facebook Watch video tab launching in August with original TV shows - Business Insider

Facebook Watch video tab launching in August with original TV shows - Business Insider

PressTV-India ‘to deport 40,000 Rohingya Muslims’

PressTV-India ‘to deport 40,000 Rohingya Muslims’

India is planning to deport tens of thousands of Rohingya Muslims it says are living in the country illegally.
A government spokesman said on Friday that New Delhi was in talks with Bangladesh and Myanmar about its plan to deport around 40,000 Rohingya Muslims.

PressTV-War with North Korea 'locked and loaded': Trump

PressTV-War with North Korea 'locked and loaded': Trump

US President Donald Trump has said a military option against North Korea is "locked and loaded," ratcheting up  his war of words against the Asian nation.

PressTV-Russian bank to invest in Iran spa town project

PressTV-Russian bank to invest in Iran spa town project

Iran’s media report that Russia’s Elbin Bank has signed an agreement to invest as much as $100 million in the development of a spa town in northern Iran.

Thursday 10 August 2017

‘Almost like war zone’: Saudi ‘renovation’ of Shiite town decried as attempt to drive residents out — RT News

‘Almost like war zone’: Saudi ‘renovation’ of Shiite town decried as attempt to drive residents out — RT NewsThe claimed ‘renovation’ of a Shiite town in Saudi Arabia is an attempt by the Sunni government to drive the locals out, the Awamiya residents told RT, adding that troops fire upon people in streets as homes are being bulldozed.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

‘Missiles to fly over Japan

‘Missiles to fly over Japan

North Korean state media has outlined details of the country’s Guam strike plan expected to be ready by mid-August. The attack will reportedly include four missiles fired over Japan and landing within a few dozen kilometers of US territory.

PressTV-Russian spy plane flies over Washington

PressTV-Russian spy plane flies over Washington

A Russian surveillance aircraft has made a low altitude flight over the Pentagon, the Capitol and other US government buildings in Washington.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

PressTV-China quake kills 5 people, thousands injured

PressTV-China quake kills 5 people, thousands injured

A 6.5-magnitude earthquake rattled southwest China late Tuesday, killing at least five people, with up to 100 feared dead, according to a government estimate.

Friday 4 August 2017

PressTV-US-led raids kill 8 civilians in northern Syria

PressTV-US-led raids kill 8 civilians in northern Syria

At least eight people have been killed when the US-led coalition purportedly fighting the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group conducted a string of aerial attacks in Syria’s militant-held northern province of Raqqah.

PressTV-Beijing opposes Washington's Russia sanctions

PressTV-Beijing opposes Washington's Russia sanctions

China says it is opposed to a new law by the United States against Russia, Iran and North Korea and favors dialog as a means to resolve international disputes.

Trump says US ‘losing’ war in Afghanistan, wants top brass reshuffle – reports — RT America

Trump says US ‘losing’ war in Afghanistan, wants top brass reshuffle – reports — RT America

Seeking a more aggressive stance in Afghanistan, President Donald Trump reportedly vowed a radical reshuffle of his national security team, including firing a general who has been in charge of US troops in the war-torn country for over 16 years.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Iran supplies 1,000 tons of food to Qatar every day – media — RT News

Iran supplies 1,000 tons of food to Qatar every day – media — RT News

Iran is sending 1,100 tons of fruit and vegetables to Qatar on a daily basis as the country endures a blockade by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations.

Qatar to purchase 7 Italian navy ships in $6bn defense deal amid Gulf crisis — RT News

Qatar to purchase 7 Italian navy ships in $6bn defense deal amid Gulf crisis — RT News

Qatar will purchase seven navy vessels from Italy in a major defense deal worth $6billion, the country’s foreign ministry said, amid the ongoing feud between the oil-rich Gulf monarchy and Saudi-led bloc of several Arab nations.

First human embryo editing experiment in U.S. ‘corrects’ gene for heart condition - The Washington Post

First human embryo editing experiment in U.S. ‘corrects’ gene for heart condition - The Washington Post

Scientists have successfully edited the DNA of human embryos to erase a heritable heart condition, cracking open the doors to a controversial new era in medicine.

5 hospitalized, 2 missing in Minneapolis school 'gas explosion' (PHOTOS) — RT America

5 hospitalized, 2 missing in Minneapolis school 'gas explosion' (PHOTOS) — RT America

An explosion at a Minneapolis school has left at least five people injured and two others unaccounted for.
The blast is believed to have been caused by a gas leak, according to Minneapolis police.

PressTV-Crimes at Aqsa spawn of Israeli-Arab normalization

PressTV-Crimes at Aqsa spawn of Israeli-Arab normalization

The secretary general of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement says Israel’s acts of aggression at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound are the result of bids meant to normalize ties between certain regional Arab countries and the Tel Aviv regime.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Pentagon should declassify report on ‘child sex abuse’ by Afghan forces – govt watchdog — RT News

Pentagon should declassify report on ‘child sex abuse’ by Afghan forces – govt watchdog — RT News

The Pentagon should declassify a report on alleged sexual abuse of children by Afghan security forces, a US government watchdog said, adding that Washington should not provide further security assistance to Kabul if there is “credible” information on the claims.

PressTV-US-led strikes kill 60 civilians in eastern Syria

PressTV-US-led strikes kill 60 civilians in eastern Syria

At least 60 civilians have lost their lives in fresh airstrikes conducted by the US-led coalition in Syria’s Dayr al-Zawr Province, according to Syrian media reports.